RiggenHO Model Racing
The Newsletter
  Race, Collect, Restore! 
 Volume 4  January 2010


Happy New Year! Hope this New Slot Year finds you that special missing car for your collection and faster lap times!

Please see the new 4000 Series...the improvements are obvious, addressing the rear axle, lowering the COG and a new Guide PIN....

We would also like to go further this year with our "Historic" Chassis reproductions. If you would like to suggest a "Magazine Car" (such as the Anglewinder Limited we did) or a Race Chassis (such as the Beedle Lightweight) please let us know so we can research and attempt a design...

About this issue or anything related; questions, corrections or comments, please contact us: RIGGENHO.COM.

Peace and Prosperity for 2010.....Ron Bernstein

4000 Series Chassis is ready...now available but supply is limited. Details here:

Note the new guide PIN design....our stock chassis will also have rear axle bushings and use the Riggen Industries improved design "Drop Motor" chassis....

RiggenHO Limited Editions:
The Beedle Lightweight sold out fast--please nominate another historic design we can try to develop.

(yes, we know it's all about the chassis for this design...but the "Noose" paintwork
is so good, we wanted to showcase it once more!!!)


Terry Flynn has a new website: Harden Creek Slotcars. I urge a visit especially if you go magnet once in a while...as you know Terry has done some incredible work for RiggenHO, expect the same superior builds as well as pragmatic suggestions, real world experience and proper track testing for your magnet fix.

from entry level modded chassis to the most advanced open-open....

Also....More......Get'em while they're hot...from the Super7 edition--Super II inspired...full details here
there are two or three left.....contact Terry directly for availability and possible modifications--
these are meant for track and are a blast to drive....I like this one with a vintage SuperII chassis and
proper magnets......



Check out the Bachmann Blaster story....industrial espionage and intellectual property theft?
The next Grisham novel?????


Spark Controversy: Nominate your top ten RAREST Riggen styles...I will report back with pictures and detail next issue!!!


EXCELLENT Links for your consideration:

HOST HO Race Car Bodies...as used in the Magnalite Limited Edition...
The Independant Scratchbuilder...awesome reference and detail (large scale stuff)
C and R Racing...HO bodies, decals...awesome work....
French "Legends"...check it out...


If you would like advance notice of upcoming Limited Editions WITH NO OBLIGATION....
please let us know and GET ON THE LIST..

Til next time...your comments and feedback greatly appreciated, please CONTACT US!